We have 12+ guns in our home. I've had a carry permit since college. My wife has hers too. Our family is full of police, military, & hunters. We are a 'gun family.'

Raising the bar for who can possess guns isn't a threat to your 2A. But it just might reduce days like these.

Oh, and shame on all of the politicians that act like having to pass a background check, a gun safety course, or a mental evaluation is a threat to our constitutional rights...just so they can scare you into voting for them.

Putting your career above the lives of innocent people is gross.

FWIW, I’m being intentionally vocal about the Nashville shooting for two reasons.

First, it hits close to home. Not just geographically, but culturally too. A small Christian school in a nicer part of town. These are the people I do life with - a reminder that this issue isn’t defined by a skin tone or a income level. It’s all of us.

Second, I see opportunity for change - at least more than usual. This happened on the front lawn of state’s Republican leaders. And it was on the front lawn of so many celebrities - folks with voice and influence in conservative circles.

I told my wife earlier, this feels like a time for Dolly. But truthfully, a small number of big voices could create a lot of pressure.

I hope we hear those voices.

What can we do?

  • Universal background checks are table stakes. 83% of gun owners support them, including 72% of all NRA members. The fact this hasn't happened is bonkers.
  • Raise the age of gun ownership to 25 (21 with a class, maybe 18 if military). If you aren’t trusted with alcohol or a rental car, you don’t need a gun.
  • Reinstate carry permit licensure with training and testing. We do this for cars, we can do it for guns.
  • Raise the bar on owning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. Silencers are already regulated this way. Why have we decided other extreme equipment shouldn’t be?
  • Place liability on gun owners for crimes committed with their weapons. Responsible gun owners keep their guns secure. Kids shouldn’t have access to guns. And the family member who provides that access (intentionally or lazily) should be held accountable at some level. 2/3 of school shooters are under 18.