Previous year's wishlists:


Notification center. Need I say more? Either remove it or totally overhaul it. iOS does notifications well. MacOS...not so much.


I hope Apple continues to expand Messages. There are a lot of messaging clients that have better (more modern) feature sets. I hope Apple continues to bring those to Messages. Specifically, I would love to see Marco Polo-style asynchronous video messaging come to iOS. Marco Polo isn't a viable long-term business. It is a feature...and it belongs in Messages.


I have said this for several years now, but the next WatchOS MUST include a rest/recovery Whoop. It already has all of the data - workouts, sleep, etc. I'm tired of WatchOS assuming the ideal fitness plan is 365 days of outworking the previous day. At this point, that's just lazy.


For the AppleTV app to respect family sharing. If a show is in my 'Continue Watching' (recently played), when I click to watch the next episode, don't prompt me to buy it. Recognize that I have access to the show via Family Sharing.